hey mate, this game rocks, i feel like i'm addicted to it, but i got some questions:
1-will there be a game that is a sequel to this one? like lets name it "sunkissed: after vacation" for example, or any name you would choose as a sequel for this game, do you have anything in mind? that would be the most fabulous thing ever.
2- once i finish the first sex scene with karen i get an error saying "there is no checkpoint. Then the screen goes entirely black" what should i do? i have the full version what should i do ?
Maybe check your device storage (do you have more than 1.5 - 2 gbs? internet connection , maybe try a different connection or on a different time? Other than that, I have no idea
It's light NTR, Karen has a husband and Blair has a boyfriend. But that's not the main focus of the game. (Unlike CCTV, and the next CCTV game that's about to come)
I'm having an issue with the shower scene. Once cleaning the soap is done, I get an error message saying there is no checkpoint. Then the screen goes entirely black, and I can't proceed.
This is a known bug, Some saves can get corrupt. To fix that, go to a previous save and try the path again. If that doesnt work, then a prior save to that previous save.
thanks for making this game i tried the free version of the game but i just had a problem with it at the card game scene it seemed to be neverending can i skip that game without missing the memories somehow?
i could buy the game but im a broke university student and cant afford to pay for it right now :(
when i get a job after college ill definitely buy your game!
>.> Why are there no cheats for Android? Just not use to programming for that platform I guess? Other than that, decent game. Some minigames seem a tad too challenging but I assume thats what the cheats were for. (I cant see the hit box for ping pong if my finger is on the screen, causing a miss or a bad bounce out of bounds for example.)
The walkthrough is nice, but some events seem out of order. (One tells me to watch TV before kekball, but after shower it jumps right to it.) Small bugs and or typos but to be expected. Again, great game.
Hey retsymthenam! ive played free version of this game and i desperatly want to support your work!! But for some reason, the transaction for the purchase of the game does not go through, what could be the reason? Thanks for the answer
Man I say this as a fan of your games, please reduce the points for the table tennis and volleyball minigames, also greatly reduce the amount of transitions. There's just too many
i love the shower scene where he pressed karen with the face to the wall and he kinda pulls karen ass wide a little so that he could fuck her, you should try to make more this positions like where the mc trys to fuck the woman and if he doesn't have enough { lets say relationsship} he can't fuck her , similar to the bed massage scen
This is very fun, a little bit less interactive than normal and I hate the dancing game(I play these kind of games on a shitty laptop so that's probably why) but I love every retsythenam game regardless. I appreciate both the female models the mother is a lot thicker than usual and I love it. I really like the story based gameplay, it's a lot more chill and can play with one hand more. Disappointed NTR didn't make it in due to time but regardless thank you retsy for the beautiful game can't wait for you next masterpiece.
Hello Retsym.
I'm following your games, and they're great! I like that with this game you are adventuring with threesome scenes.
I would like to ask you a question and a suggestion.
1. Have you thought about implementing black women models? I think it is the only ethnicity that is missing,
like a classic milf or a young Gymrat.
2. Some ideas for future games if you like it:
Like a Zombies game with search and resource management like in Desperate days and the Tower defense style of play.
The story would be that a family loses the father who sacrifices himself to buy them time,
and now they have to survive. With the mother/ sister/shota as protagonist (with some Mother-Daughter lesbian scenes).
Or a story in modern times of a single mother with a son who invests in opening a gym, where the boy is her assistant.
The boy would be the protagonist, who would be having contacts with his mother and the different clients of the establishment.
Thanks for reading and keep up the good work!
1. I did want to add black characters many times but their details in the 3d models I use are not clearly visible while using darker skins. So until I switch to a different solution for the 3D characters, the characters with the darker skin will look less ideal. I'll try to for the next game though.
2. Interesting ideas, I didn't understand how the tower defense mechanic would play out though
I really like your zombie idea and gamplay concept, would love to see even just a bit of it in retsy's future games! Also, (to retsy) I've really enjoyed the summer because of this game:)
Great game so far. I'm enjoying it.my game keeps crashing on Android and I can't get past the shower scene after the volleyball screen it just says error no check point yes or no. Either one you pick it goes to a black screen. Menus button works and you can hear all the sounds just Nothing on the screen.
Here is an idea for a future game. A jerk kid is planning to seduce all the women in town, while another kid tries to stop him by either seducing the women first or just ruining the jerk kid's plans and there is no seduction.
Well after playing this many times over the course of two weeks, I can safely say I love this game. But have you ever considered switching to another game engine like Renpy or RpgMaker?
I think this game might be the only one which could have been made on this engine, what with all the mini games and stuff.
But Not without my Sister and Desperate days were very clunky and could have been made easier and better on RpgMaker. With some tweaks I think your other games could have been made on the Renpy engine.
Also have some problems with how saving works in your games, and how I can’t seem to override saves and I can only make new ones as the tiny save menu almost always has some bugs going on with it.
All in all, your animations are the best, (Almost no one seems to make SS games and TK17) and I love all of the worlds your games take place in, and this one is no exception. RpgMaker and Renpy are real easy to learn and my comment is really meant to be more of a suggestion with reasons as to why I suggest these game engines. Keep making your games, no one can do it like you do.
I don't switch engines because Unity has much more capabilities & controls (obviously) but mostly because it's easy to optimize with especially my games which contains lots of video files, build to all platforms and have the freedom of the flexibility of an engine systemwisely. The bugs and other issues you see are just a result of me preferring to put more time into the content rather than the bugs... And my low standard which is basically: "If the game is playable without any serious issues, good enough"
My bug philosophy is "low standard" because I'd rather put more interesting content than qa test and fix bugs all day. Would you rather experience a perfect system for a boring product or a fun product with an imperfect system?
One would say why not have both? That comes at the cost of time, and that would mean I'll have to release those games in 1/2 the time. That means 1/2 the games.
some stars are not related to the sea cave but use the same icon, maybe thats confusing, one star you get from the cave, one from the cat statue and one from the lighthouse
I would like to present some specific ideas about Sleeping Sex mechanism.
1. son sneaking into mother room at night or sharing a bed with mother.
2. son rubbing mother body and slowly taking off she clothes and touching mother chest and pussy or ass in while mother sleeping. (licking mother nipple also be good)
3. son insert penis into sleeping mother pussy, and she kept pretending sleep until finish cum
I hope these can be interacted depending on the level of relationship with son
What I want most is a model that is all about night crawling, with mothers, sisters, aunts or more, and because the size is relatively small, it should be more treacherous, mean, obscene, or the size of the weapons can be a little bigger
What a fantastic game you have made! The setting was great, the audible environment was playful and "vacationy", the models were delicious (especially Karen) and the game had a progression that I could not wait to complete. You have managed to conjure up the feel of a beachside resort vacation that the lucky of us have had the pleasure of experiencing - the water slides, the hot sand between ones toes, the scent of coconut oil, the cool evening breeze and the grilled food by the boardwalk Add in a big dash of fantasy and we have a great experience in the making.
As a whole, Sunkissed is one of the best works you have produced thus far. My personal favourites are Housewife and Recently Divorced (albeit it being short and lacking a proper ending), and Sunkissed goes right into this mix. 9/10 - excellent work!
That said, there were bits here and there which I think could be improved so please take from these what you feel is relevant.
Gameplay Mechanics (I played on Android):
- Dialogues: I would prefer a two-click method that e.g. RenPy games typically use - the first click renders the entire frame immediately and the second click moves the story to the next frame. The current method made me either accidentally progress before all of the text was visible or wait in vain for text to appear. A two-click method would make progression more predictable.
- Minigames: Games were pretty tough mostly because the controlling finger gets in the way. Separate controls/meters on the side might make the games more fun to play on mobile. Besides this, most minigames were pretty fun and challenging. Kudos on those!
- Karen's dry hump scene felt that it broke Karen's character. Since Karen was depicted to be someone who complains, is in a troubled relationship with Dan's father and clearly was reserved with closeness to Dan then a more subtle approach would have worked better. Eg. Blair's vacation boyfriend + romantic walk + weed for removing inhibitions was brilliant and something similar could have helped establish a deeper connection between Karen and Dan and made her corruption feel more plausible.
- Karen's relationship with Dan's father was hinted to here and there. It could have been more present in Karen's dialogue with Dan. This would have given the player a chance to plant and grow the idea of Dan as his dad's vacation replacement in Karen's mind.
- More jiggle. Imo, the best thing about full-figured characters is that there is plenty to grab and jiggle during thrusting motions. More of that please :)
- Cum in mouth or facial finishers pretty please :)
- Prankster videos were a nice addition, however, both were cut short right when the going was getting good - Dag nabbit, you pranksters!
- Sauna scene with Karen would have deserved to be longer. It would have also worked well earlier in the story with similar mechanics which we had in the shower scene.
- Character based ending scenes would have been awesome. Also corruption/star based ending scenarios would have been a nice addition ( just text + still images, no movie scenes necessary)
Some final random thoughts:
- Please consider updating some of your earlier games. Eg. new scenes, endings and sounds.
All in all, brilliant work! I cannot wait to experience your next game!
Thank you for the thorough and clever review! Glad the game managed to immerse you in a vacation to some extent!
I read everything and take the points into consideration for the next game. (Some things like the facial finishes I won't though because, as you have said about the Karen scene, those can take away from how convinced you are about the narrative and interaction.)
I have played every game, and this night crawl is the best one. It's a pity that there are three people in one room, but there are no more night crawls. But this is still the best one so far, because this time, a lot of time was spent on the narrative. As the author said, I wanted to make a better game, and you did it, because I am still on vacation.
Incredible game, wasn't lying when you said hours of gameplay, for the next game could you do the dad spying camera game, that is the most appealing as i like the older dad/boyfriend getting ntrd by a shota, regardless this is great game and worth every penny
:D Wow! Thanks for the great comment, I get some comments about wanting the coffee game, some about the cam game... Maybe I'll mix the two? Thought about making a medieval fantasy game like Atomiquest but with narrative :shrug: we'll see
Retsy i think i brought that idea to you a while ago but don't remember, how do you feel about having the dad more present in your games? Him being unaware of being cheated etc for example, just curious cuz even in your older games he was never in the game.
Hey so im playing on a mac and it says that my version of mac is outdated... i was wondering if you could provide a mac version that can run on a mac 10.13.6 thx
Hello! first of all I LOVED THE GAME best one so far porbably right after Desperate Days
I already finished the game but the mom son shower scene where you kombat fight her the mouse clicking is too hard for me atleast like without automouse clocker porgram impossible but in the sister scenario it was so much easier is that on purpouse? o.o
Hello sir or madam, please forgive my translator English. I immediately purchased your game as soon as it was released. It's a great game, but I spent a whole two hours on the opening ping pong activity. I'm not sure if this activity is a plot failure or if my skills are too poor. I can't defend against my mother's side shot, which is like a deadly shot. Every time I try to pull the ball diagonally, it will only fly in the opposite direction or even hit the net. I don't know if this is a bug or something. Can you give me an answer? Thank you, sir or madam
Hi man, I'm an android player and I can say the ping pong game is difficult but not impossible, in my case I play with both hands, I have been practicing and now I can win every match.
Ma'am, the game is quite difficult but not impossible, I have tested it multiple times. The issue with it is the extremely extended shots with are almost impossible to deal with, but if you win the regular shots you can still win the match.
Hello, I am a fan of your games. I played the free version and I liked it very much. I wanted to play the paid version, but I cannot buy it. I wish you would give me the paid version for free. I would be grateful to you.
Der Prozedureinsprungpunkt "SetThreadDescription" wurde in der DLL "C:\Users\......\Desktop\Sunkissed\UnityPlayer.dll" nicht gefunden. ---------------------------
← Return to game
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hey mate, this game rocks, i feel like i'm addicted to it, but i got some questions:
1-will there be a game that is a sequel to this one? like lets name it "sunkissed: after vacation" for example, or any name you would choose as a sequel for this game, do you have anything in mind? that would be the most fabulous thing ever.
2- once i finish the first sex scene with karen i get an error saying "there is no checkpoint. Then the screen goes entirely black" what should i do? i have the full version what should i do ?
1 - What would you like to see in that game?
2 - That is an issue with your last save, go to a prior save or two saves ago and try continuing from there. Known issue
Thank you for the kind words!
Hello, where are the saves files stored? Would like to wipe my them, but deleting the game folder didn't do anything.
They are stored in "appdata" (windows) (C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Retsymthenam)
Found it. Thank you.
Why does the speed slow down and even fail every time I download an Android app to 50%?
Maybe check your device storage (do you have more than 1.5 - 2 gbs? internet connection , maybe try a different connection or on a different time? Other than that, I have no idea
New Game Released!
I would like to know if this game has NTR, if yes then I will try to buy it, and if not I will wait for the new game
It's light NTR, Karen has a husband and Blair has a boyfriend. But that's not the main focus of the game. (Unlike CCTV, and the next CCTV game that's about to come)
so what the next game is about?
It's a newer CCTV game in a different setting with different mechanics, I have a CCTV series of 3 games to complete before I can rest again.
you say that you going to release three games that continues what happen on cctv?
Already released one, two games that have the surveillance part in common. (But are different in setting, game mechanics, story, characters and so on)
Will you fix the ping pong game? I buyed the game and it's really good, but this minigame is the biggest problem.
You can just skip it, you don't have to complete the minigame.
And if you want to unlock the final scene without it, you can use cheats instead.
What about the android version, is there cheats? because i'm playing this version
Uh oh, no, unfortunately Android doesn't have cheats on Sunkissed. I corrected it on "CCTV" and hopefully in future games.
I'm having an issue with the shower scene. Once cleaning the soap is done, I get an error message saying there is no checkpoint. Then the screen goes entirely black, and I can't proceed.
This is a known bug, Some saves can get corrupt. To fix that, go to a previous save and try the path again. If that doesnt work, then a prior save to that previous save.
your game is AMAZING!
thanks for making this game i tried the free version of the game but i just had a problem with it at the card game scene it seemed to be neverending can i skip that game without missing the memories somehow?
i could buy the game but im a broke university student and cant afford to pay for it right now :(
when i get a job after college ill definitely buy your game!
Thanks! You can skip the card game, or just try to learn the rules of the game. This is a really easy minigame to win.
>.> Why are there no cheats for Android? Just not use to programming for that platform I guess? Other than that, decent game. Some minigames seem a tad too challenging but I assume thats what the cheats were for. (I cant see the hit box for ping pong if my finger is on the screen, causing a miss or a bad bounce out of bounds for example.)
The walkthrough is nice, but some events seem out of order. (One tells me to watch TV before kekball, but after shower it jumps right to it.) Small bugs and or typos but to be expected. Again, great game.
I'll keep an eye out for other games of yours.
Thank you!
I underestimated the amount of android players I would have, so didn't add UI cheats to the game.
CCTV (The newer game) has them though. Glad you enjoyed.
What is the next game about?
You'll see soon enough
When's the next game coming out?
This month
eagerly waiting for new game 😍😍😍
hey your games are amazing, just bought this one.
Dont know if u remember the game MICHAELS FAMILY, i would love to see a walkthrough for it pls
Hey retsymthenam! ive played free version of this game and i desperatly want to support your work!! But for some reason, the transaction for the purchase of the game does not go through, what could be the reason? Thanks for the answer
Hey! Itch.IO is in charge of the transactions so they must know how to solve those issues
But, what is the issue that you encounter? Maybe I can help.
Thank you for the good intentions
surely this game has some sodomy with that milf?
Sadly, only one scene.
Man I say this as a fan of your games, please reduce the points for the table tennis and volleyball minigames, also greatly reduce the amount of transitions. There's just too many
i love the shower scene where he pressed karen with the face to the wall and he kinda pulls karen ass wide a little so that he could fuck her, you should try to make more this positions like where the mc trys to fuck the woman and if he doesn't have enough { lets say relationsship} he can't fuck her , similar to the bed massage scen
This is very fun, a little bit less interactive than normal and I hate the dancing game(I play these kind of games on a shitty laptop so that's probably why) but I love every retsythenam game regardless. I appreciate both the female models the mother is a lot thicker than usual and I love it. I really like the story based gameplay, it's a lot more chill and can play with one hand more. Disappointed NTR didn't make it in due to time but regardless thank you retsy for the beautiful game can't wait for you next masterpiece.
Wow thanks that's awesome!
Great game, different than housewife, but I don't think the sex scenes need to be so long though. But an excellent game, nonetheless.
Thank you <3
what software do you use for your 3D modeling love the art style!
looks like your art influenced a guy, he's creating similar games to yous lol, sslover at pixiv.
Actually, SSlover was inspired by another creator named Mysterful Games.
lol, i wonder what retsy backwards is?
SSlover hasn't released an update for his game in so long.
I've been messaging SSlover. She said the game will be released soon
Good, I actually enjoy their games.
Thank you for the kind words!
1. I did want to add black characters many times but their details in the 3d models I use are not clearly visible while using darker skins. So until I switch to a different solution for the 3D characters, the characters with the darker skin will look less ideal. I'll try to for the next game though.
2. Interesting ideas, I didn't understand how the tower defense mechanic would play out though
I really like your zombie idea and gamplay concept, would love to see even just a bit of it in retsy's future games! Also, (to retsy) I've really enjoyed the summer because of this game:)
Great game so far. I'm enjoying it.my game keeps crashing on Android and I can't get past the shower scene after the volleyball screen it just says error no check point yes or no. Either one you pick it goes to a black screen. Menus button works and you can hear all the sounds just Nothing on the screen.
Hey! Thanks!
Its a known issue with saves.
To fix it, go back to a previous save (Before the one you use) and play from there (The last save that you use is corrupt.)
oh OK thanks
Here is an idea for a future game. A jerk kid is planning to seduce all the women in town, while another kid tries to stop him by either seducing the women first or just ruining the jerk kid's plans and there is no seduction.
The competition is cool but how would he manage to seduce anyone?
It depends on the story.
Well after playing this many times over the course of two weeks, I can safely say I love this game.
But have you ever considered switching to another game engine like Renpy or RpgMaker?
I think this game might be the only one which could have been made on this engine, what with all the mini games and stuff.
But Not without my Sister and Desperate days were very clunky and could have been made easier and better on RpgMaker. With some tweaks I think your other games could have been made on the Renpy engine.
Also have some problems with how saving works in your games, and how I can’t seem to override saves and I can only make new ones as the tiny save menu almost always has some bugs going on with it.
All in all, your animations are the best, (Almost no one seems to make SS games and TK17) and I love all of the worlds your games take place in, and this one is no exception. RpgMaker and Renpy are real easy to learn and my comment is really meant to be more of a suggestion with reasons as to why I suggest these game engines. Keep making your games, no one can do it like you do.
Thank you for the warm comment! <3
I don't switch engines because Unity has much more capabilities & controls (obviously) but mostly because it's easy to optimize with especially my games which contains lots of video files, build to all platforms and have the freedom of the flexibility of an engine systemwisely. The bugs and other issues you see are just a result of me preferring to put more time into the content rather than the bugs... And my low standard which is basically: "If the game is playable without any serious issues, good enough"
My bug philosophy is "low standard" because I'd rather put more interesting content than qa test and fix bugs all day. Would you rather experience a perfect system for a boring product or a fun product with an imperfect system?
One would say why not have both? That comes at the cost of time, and that would mean I'll have to release those games in 1/2 the time. That means 1/2 the games.
Anyways, lovely comment, thanks for the input!
mine keeps breakin
What do you mean
when i clearly got all the stars for the cave it be saying i am missing one and after some scenes it stay black screen
some stars are not related to the sea cave but use the same icon, maybe thats confusing, one star you get from the cave, one from the cat statue and one from the lighthouse
I would like to present some specific ideas about Sleeping Sex mechanism.
1. son sneaking into mother room at night or sharing a bed with mother.
2. son rubbing mother body and slowly taking off she clothes and touching mother chest and pussy or ass in while mother sleeping. (licking mother nipple also be good)
3. son insert penis into sleeping mother pussy, and she kept pretending sleep until finish cum
I hope these can be interacted depending on the level of relationship with son
We are on the way bro
What I want most is a model that is all about night crawling, with mothers, sisters, aunts or more, and because the size is relatively small, it should be more treacherous, mean, obscene, or the size of the weapons can be a little bigger
hmmm...very interesting
You can find what you want in Housewife, Desperate Days, Refuge Roadtrip, but you probably want more than just a few variations.
i'm already all have it but still i need more new games
very entertaining game, the truth is that I feel that it lacks more xxx scenes outside of the everyday but it is very good anyway
It's too early to know anything about the next game or you haven't started it yet
Thank you for hte kind words! Conceptualizing, will send a poll soon probably to see what people think.
Hi retsym,
What a fantastic game you have made! The setting was great, the audible environment was playful and "vacationy", the models were delicious (especially Karen) and the game had a progression that I could not wait to complete. You have managed to conjure up the feel of a beachside resort vacation that the lucky of us have had the pleasure of experiencing - the water slides, the hot sand between ones toes, the scent of coconut oil, the cool evening breeze and the grilled food by the boardwalk Add in a big dash of fantasy and we have a great experience in the making.
As a whole, Sunkissed is one of the best works you have produced thus far. My personal favourites are Housewife and Recently Divorced (albeit it being short and lacking a proper ending), and Sunkissed goes right into this mix. 9/10 - excellent work!
That said, there were bits here and there which I think could be improved so please take from these what you feel is relevant.
Gameplay Mechanics (I played on Android):
- Dialogues: I would prefer a two-click method that e.g. RenPy games typically use - the first click renders the entire frame immediately and the second click moves the story to the next frame. The current method made me either accidentally progress before all of the text was visible or wait in vain for text to appear. A two-click method would make progression more predictable.
- Minigames: Games were pretty tough mostly because the controlling finger gets in the way. Separate controls/meters on the side might make the games more fun to play on mobile. Besides this, most minigames were pretty fun and challenging. Kudos on those!
- Karen's dry hump scene felt that it broke Karen's character. Since Karen was depicted to be someone who complains, is in a troubled relationship with Dan's father and clearly was reserved with closeness to Dan then a more subtle approach would have worked better. Eg. Blair's vacation boyfriend + romantic walk + weed for removing inhibitions was brilliant and something similar could have helped establish a deeper connection between Karen and Dan and made her corruption feel more plausible.
- Karen's relationship with Dan's father was hinted to here and there. It could have been more present in Karen's dialogue with Dan. This would have given the player a chance to plant and grow the idea of Dan as his dad's vacation replacement in Karen's mind.
- More jiggle. Imo, the best thing about full-figured characters is that there is plenty to grab and jiggle during thrusting motions. More of that please :)
- Cum in mouth or facial finishers pretty please :)
- Prankster videos were a nice addition, however, both were cut short right when the going was getting good - Dag nabbit, you pranksters!
- Sauna scene with Karen would have deserved to be longer. It would have also worked well earlier in the story with similar mechanics which we had in the shower scene.
- Character based ending scenes would have been awesome. Also corruption/star based ending scenarios would have been a nice addition ( just text + still images, no movie scenes necessary)
Some final random thoughts:
- Please consider updating some of your earlier games. Eg. new scenes, endings and sounds.
All in all, brilliant work! I cannot wait to experience your next game!
Thank you for the thorough and clever review! Glad the game managed to immerse you in a vacation to some extent!
I read everything and take the points into consideration for the next game. (Some things like the facial finishes I won't though because, as you have said about the Karen scene, those can take away from how convinced you are about the narrative and interaction.)
I have played every game, and this night crawl is the best one. It's a pity that there are three people in one room, but there are no more night crawls. But this is still the best one so far, because this time, a lot of time was spent on the narrative. As the author said, I wanted to make a better game, and you did it, because I am still on vacation.
Thank you for the nice comment <3
The next game suggests that the mother is more strict, more secretive, and crawling at night. Direct sex is not as exciting as stealing.
I understand what youre saying
I have selfish thoughts, but creation is originally happy, so do what you want, I will always be with you
Incredible game, wasn't lying when you said hours of gameplay, for the next game could you do the dad spying camera game, that is the most appealing as i like the older dad/boyfriend getting ntrd by a shota, regardless this is great game and worth every penny
:D Wow! Thanks for the great comment, I get some comments about wanting the coffee game, some about the cam game... Maybe I'll mix the two? Thought about making a medieval fantasy game like Atomiquest but with narrative :shrug: we'll see
Retsy i think i brought that idea to you a while ago but don't remember, how do you feel about having the dad more present in your games? Him being unaware of being cheated etc for example, just curious cuz even in your older games he was never in the game.
I think it could be cool, just by coincidence didn't have a game of him roaming around...
Hey so im playing on a mac and it says that my version of mac is outdated... i was wondering if you could provide a mac version that can run on a mac 10.13.6 thx
If the version is older than unfortunately I cannot.
Other solutions
1. You might be able to play the Android version on your MAC using Bluestacks https://www.bluestacks.com/download.html
2. OR, run a windows 10 virtual machine
3. Or update.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
holy shit i completely forgot about bluestacks youre a genius gonna try it out now thanks a lot for the quick reply
Hello! first of all I LOVED THE GAME best one so far porbably right after Desperate Days
I already finished the game but the mom son shower scene where you kombat fight her the mouse clicking is too hard for me atleast like without automouse clocker porgram impossible but in the sister scenario it was so much easier is that on purpouse? o.o
Hey! Glad you loved the game!!! Those are very kind words!
Lol no, that's a coincidence maybe? They are the same difficulty !
Hallo ein echt Super spiel aber gibt es dafür auch cheats???
Yes but not for Android:
Check the bottom of the walkthrough screen
Hello sir or madam, please forgive my translator English. I immediately purchased your game as soon as it was released. It's a great game, but I spent a whole two hours on the opening ping pong activity. I'm not sure if this activity is a plot failure or if my skills are too poor. I can't defend against my mother's side shot, which is like a deadly shot. Every time I try to pull the ball diagonally, it will only fly in the opposite direction or even hit the net. I don't know if this is a bug or something. Can you give me an answer? Thank you, sir or madam
Hi man, I'm an android player and I can say the ping pong game is difficult but not impossible, in my case I play with both hands, I have been practicing and now I can win every match.
Good luck bro.
Ma'am, the game is quite difficult but not impossible, I have tested it multiple times. The issue with it is the extremely extended shots with are almost impossible to deal with, but if you win the regular shots you can still win the match.
Apologies for the inconvenience, ma'am.
Good luck.
Hello, I am a fan of your games. I played the free version and I liked it very much. I wanted to play the paid version, but I cannot buy it. I wish you would give me the paid version for free. I would be grateful to you.
Thank you friend, I am glad you are a fan and happy you liked the game!
Unfortunately doing that would be unjust to those who did pay.
I understand this and sorry for the inconvenience
where is the hte page
What do you mean?
Do anybody now a solution for this Problem?
Sunkissed.exe - Einsprungpunkt nicht gefunden
Der Prozedureinsprungpunkt "SetThreadDescription" wurde in der DLL "C:\Users\......\Desktop\Sunkissed\UnityPlayer.dll" nicht gefunden.
ThanksYes, let me try to help:
Do you have an old windows version? (8 / lower?)
Games made with Unity 6 require "Windows 10 version 21H1 (build 19043) or newer",
that might be the issue.
If that's the case then you can
1. If you don't want to upgrade you can run the android version of the game using "Bluestacks" https://www.bluestacks.com/
2. Upgrade windows to latest windows 10 version
If that's not hte case:
1. Have you extracted the game to a sperate folder first?
2. Also does the free version work to you?
3. Is it by any chance placed in a folder with path that has non-english words or spaces or symbols? (Maybe throw the folder onto your dekstop)
4. Are you sure you have enough free space on your machine?
5. Are my other games not working? (You can play their free versions to test)
Other desperate measures if you don't want to do any of those:
1. Download the game directly to the "C:\" folder
2. Right click on the Sunkissed.exe > run as administrator