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New Game Released!


How can I get the tought "Fuck them, they don´t go through what I go through" or Where can I find a walkthrough?



Played the game did everything and and made all my thoughts yellow but doesn't get new thoughts. So can't progress in the son's story. Help.




hello do you have a walktroug? i get lost at the game, is there more content other than the school kid and your son?


I bought this game a long time ago, and I ended up never being able to finish it, because without an explanation, or without the walkthrough it's almost impossible

I like this Dev's games, but I stopped buying them because I never managed to finish any of them.

The Mac version doesnt work :(

What happens?

It crashes as soon as I open it.

What OS do you have, screen resolution and are you using a virtula-machine?

High Seira. Its an older model so thats as far as I can update it. I assume thats the issue though most higher end games have worked for me. My resolution is 1920 x 1080 and am not running a virtual machine

High Sierra 10.13.6*

Hey man! Your last game was 3 mounths ago. Are you making something big or just have little vacation now?)

Vacation + not sure which way to go, started working on one game, moved to another, now torn between them. But working on it, in the meantime:

Ive got Ray and Son unlocked. Are there more? Is there and endgame? Can the class actually get better or it just an endless loop?

When I get Ray's stats raised to 7 I get the thought of obsession and progress to touching hands after that I try to raise Ray's state higher to get the next thought it just resets the stat back to 4 same issue happens with the fuck it they don't go through what I do I get to 7 and will not go any higher it just rests to 5. I am focused on just doing what will raise the stats for both.

When you hover on the "continue" button, is there a hint in the tooltip of what you require?

Hello, you make excellent games. Although I do have problem in recently divorced seem I can get ray, and fuck it they don't go through what I do to 7 when I do the next attempts to raise them fails and they reset to 2 or 3 did i miss something? 

I didn't understand the problem, could you explain it perhaps in other words

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello thanks for another excellent game. VERSION 1.2
But I'm a bit stuck trying to get the  Thought: Fuck them they don't go through i go through THANKS!


It requires additional stimulation to unlock, hover on the thought to know which stimulations and then try to find the actions that generate these stimulations


And the very idea of how the heroine's thoughts change during the game is  brilliant. I have no words. I really liked how the mother played with her son in bunny and fox masks, and later it turned into something more. I hope to see it in the next games ;) Or something similar. I don't even have to look for other games by other authors because I know your games are the best in the world. I am writing this to give you support. Your games are like a breath of fresh air.

This is most kind

the last part is get fucking and there is no more content?


dear restythenam  I bought your game and to date I have not been able to play it because I still have the same error. I use Windows 10 and in all your games the same thing happens to me, sad that I invested my money there and I cannot play them. I appreciate your help or that of anyone to fix this

Really odd situation, I have never seen this before with any other purchase. So the first thing I'd do is advise you to ask for a refund from

I wouldn't mind sending you a copy of another game as compensation via email!

If this happens as soon as you run the game, then, besides potential issues with your screen / resolution/ graphics card / video card I cannot possibly think of anything else.

Good luck!

hello friend thanks for answering and if you want you could send me The Goodtown Mystery to this email and don't worry I won't ask for a refund I want to support you you are a great developer good luck to and please could you send it to me in all versions I need to see if in my phone works

Right away!

How do you get the thought "do something about this class"?

Increase / level up the other thought about the class 

Gotcha, how do you unlock the initial thought? everything else i have is maxed out.

PS love the games!

NVM had a weird bug where the thought wasnt showing, All good now!


hey man any news on a new game?


It will be released soon enough

Keep up the good work retsym


Can't wait for the new game.

Can we have something like mom x son's friend (like chuck storyline) in future games? Some good ntr


Just to know, more games coming this year ?




we ever gonna get CHUCK back?


is there any interracial(bbc) content in this?


Shota interracial bbc ;)

Deleted 303 days ago

Most scenes are set in the end, so in other words, you'll have to "Finish the game" in order to unlock them.

I need like a guide for this can anyone help me?


Where are you stuck?

what simulator is used to make this game??

Hi Retsym, I really like your games. Is there a way I can send you a private message? I have want to share some ideas in case you are working in a new game. 

Secondly, is there a walkthrough in this game?


YAY more games!


great game 


I like your female protagonist games, especially housewife and now this one also (old female protagonist ;) ). Hoping to see more similar games from you.


please support wide screen.  i bought the game but i can't even really play it because the resolution is forced, so a lot of the images can't be viewed correctly.


Any hints or something?

Pick a goal > try to do all of the related actions / level up your thoughts as much as you can > gain new thoughts > same.

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice work) Is it possible to see a reworks of your old works in future?) Like "Michael's Family" or "Lone Mother"?

where can i find those games everywhere i look its a pain to download them straight

Why are you interested in these games? Aren't they too dated?


Why not?) These games interesting, not short, not completed, you have scenario and game mechanic already)

who said that they are his games?


Lol :D

(1 edit)

nothing funny about that.


the history and the mechanics are great can be improve but there are great, only need to complete and polish or remake using the history and adding more to it. housewife and this recently divorce use close the same mechanics i like the bulding to the situations. but make what best you like (incest) you post only here your content or have other site?


Just Itch


Ok, first sorry because I thought that I couldn't progress or get more scenes for the bugs (that are already fixed), but I didn't know that I got all the scenes in that one play (save). Still great game man, this is what we asked for (in my case), the games was that good that I didn't realize that there were no more scenes (I used Assetsstudio to verify), thanks for the game

just to make sure since you used that assetsstudio there are scenes with her own son and then there is that one kid from school and that shouldbe all right?

are there scenes with the sister if so how to get

What sister? And if you speak of Clara, then you'll have to play 

"The Bodyguard - Wasteland" - game, to get those.

no friend I already tried but it didn't work still the same black screen

To what is this a response of ? I wish to help you but not sure how...

Do you get the black screen all of a sudden and it wont pass? Even  after using the latest update?
On which OS do you encounter this? (Windows /Android / ETC..)

Do you use a unique screen?

I have an error I get a black screen<img src="">

Sometimes it takes a video some time to load, and gives you black screen for some extra time, have moving around fixed it? (going to the kitchen / etc...)

it seems when i reload a save all my thoughts reset. I started a new game for this version too.

But where is the "saves" folder?

%appdata%\locallow\retsymthenam\recentlydivorced\save something like that..

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)
How do I "do something silly" with my son,actually a little help good for me ^^
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