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Had to buy a new laptop to play this on. Very good game, the gameplay is very good. Probably would've felt better if I didn't have a trackpad but whatever. The gallery system is a lot better than the previous CCTV's and I appreciate just watching the cameras and not having to leave to go to work. I do wish there was bit more of a slow burn and I wish there were a few more scenes(who doesnt) but more 3some scenes with the different characters would've been good routes to see.

(1 edit)

Thank you! Warm words, glad you enjoyed the new game! And congratulations on the new laptop!


Thanks for the game and thank you for not being scared to try new things. Your previous games are amazing yet you still try to find new mechanics for the next one and they're often successful. Who would've thought you'd go from housewife and refugee roadtrip to CCTV

may i get a free download link from CCTV - USSR *wink wink*

Sure, here you go

On android it will randomly just kick you off the app.

(2 edits)

This does not happen on other devices from what I've tested. 

possible solutions:

1. Your device might be out of memory and eventually crash the game - you might want to make sure that less apps are running in the background while you play.

2. You might want to try a different platform? Windows / Mac / Linux 

3. You might be out of storage space, if so, removing a few things from the phone and trying again might help. 

4. Unlikely to solve anything, but you might want to restart the device and try again

More information ? :

What device are you using? Is there an error that you see when it happens? Does the game freeze or just close the app? Does it happen with other games too / or the free version?


Its a Samsung. Haven't filled up memory yet. It just randomly kicks out of app. The app open but reloads when reentering. Hadvthis happen on CCTV and Sunkissed as well. Though other porn games like Summertime Saga have also done it. Its only the porn games that do this for Androids.

Really odd, no error no anything, can you help me with more info?


What device are you using? Is there an error that you see when it happens? Does the game freeze or just close the app? Does it happen with other games too / or the free version?


I have this same issue, my game freezes very often on Android, I have a poco f6, it has happened with other games but this one it happens very often to the point I have to save after every action just in case.

Odd, never encountered it, can you providde more details about the issue? 


What device are you using? Is there an error that you see when it happens? Does the game freeze or just close the app? Does it happen with other games too / or the free version?


Unfortunately since I cannot reproduce this issue myself nor log it's errors I must rely on more information to procced.

It happens mostly after I use the clock, maybe after I answer the phone and immediately use the clock. It freezes and then after a while restarts to the main menu. I have yet to try the free version. I can't really play it properly so tried to use cheats and the TV's remain static sometimes trying to load a recording 

When loading a recording, try to swap cameras, a recording will set a scene in a certain room, but not neccessarily the room you're watching now, so it might seem like its not working but it does.


Hey hero, how is your progress, any news about the new game?


Hey bud, this will take time, unfortunately, I assume more than it took to make older games due to life.

is there any sex animation in the free version or you have to buy the game to see sex scenes?

(1 edit)

There are some, mostly but not the "final / hardcore" part if you know what I mean.

but i have unlocked some path that supposedly  show some sex scenes , but the only thing that the characters do is speak each other in the bathroom , or speak in the dining room , so i dont know how to see does sex scenes that are shown in this page


1. Have you noticed the "Watch Further" button? Each screen has three "yellow dots" (". . .") next to it when a scene can be "Watched further", and pressing on that or using the hotkey (see "How to play notebook" in the game) will progress the scene further.

2. If you do know about the watch further, then have you made sure you unlocked the "spicey scenes" in the progression as well as waited for them to appear where they should? (Again, use the ". . ." as an indication that this scene you are watching has more to it)

Let me know if this didnt help.

I apologize for the message, but does the father actually do anything? Like with his daughter or is it just cuckolding?

Almost all combinations are possible 


I cant help but wonder. How to use the cheats to unlock galery? I see lots of tapes, but they dont work.. (I know cheating is bad. But. What can I say.)


First of all, just a heads up, one of the tape is missing (Sandra / Sasha), just a heads-up. 

Second of all, some tapes are "triggering" events in rooms and some take over the main screen, so if you insert a tape and see that nothing happen, switch between the rooms (yes, I also need to auto-switch on that one as well hehe)  until you see the footage being played.



Got it. Thanks!
Keep up the good work. These kind of games are amazing, and a refreshing change of pace :)


A Recommendation for next game: It would be nice to have two sets of arrows to change cameras: One for changing rooms, and the other for changing angles within the same room. That way you could cycle through the rooms to see if anything interesting is happening without having to cycle through all the angles.


Thanks, I'll take that into consideration for the next game!


When will the game be on discount, for example the first CCTV game had a discount and cost 9 dollars, will this game also have a discount, if so when?

I like your games and I would like to buy this one too but at a discount :> .

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for wanting to buy the game! Usually when has store-wide sales. (Winter sale, etc...)


Oh,thanks for telling me, it's taking too long so I'll just buy the game now.

You make some brilliant games and I really can't wait for you to release the next CCTV game.


Thank you! 😁👍

That means a lot! Hope you'll find it better if not as good as the previous one at least in some aspects!


i  am not writing much but sended you my ideas hope you like them or can use it in a new game :). But i for me i liked this game more then the first one but well everyone has its own likes and dislikes :)


Thank you 🙏 I'll check it out


thank you and ther is so manny good ideas you could make few game of it so the people here are amazing with ideas. Cant wait to see them all.


What I felt was missing in this entry after replaying CCTV 1 again is the interaction between the dad and his family, it felt like I was there, everything felt more important and intense, thats the huge difference for me.


Since I am the developer I often miss those types of experiences since I get "spoiled" on knowing everything from the start. So I didn't know it felt that way 🤔 in any case, feel fry to vote on this exact poll option in the following poll:


So I’m noticing a lot of bash towards your direction of switching to a “third-person omnipotent” style of playing, but I digress and defend this by stating that you still have to work for the content as you did in CCTV, and that’s even if you bought this version instead of the free version and didn’t resort to cheats to see more scenes.


Another thing I will add is that I particularly enjoyed the use of choice-based content that would modify the scenes as needed, and the fact that there were more characters to deal with instead of a couple or so. On top of that, I also enjoyed that your decisions to influence each character aren’t COMPLETELY cutting out content from others; you could focus solely on Sasha with Anatasia and not have to worry about Igor for example. The one thing I will criticize on this is that there wasn’t enough variety with each path for all the characters. It would’ve been nice to see Sasha also be a second husband to Sandra as well instead of just simply being a babysitter for Sasha who would have intercourse with them.


For the next (and last game as you’ve said in previous comments), here are some things I would suggest for it:


  1. Keep the mechanics from this game, but expand upon them to include a points system that also negatively effects the world around them as well. An example from this game would be when one chooses to divorce Maria and Igor, and Igor would have an envious or hateful attitude towards other characters in the game. I know this would ask for a lot, but it would make for an even better and more critical playthrough for more players.
  2. Add more characters for the last game. For this one there were two families to focus on, with one in the first CCTV, and the last should have more groups of people to influence. Now I don’t mean an endless amount, about maybe three or four groups of any number of people should be good enough for players to really focus on who they would like to prefer over the others.
  3. Make the setting and plot a little more mysterious but realistic, such as someone who is working for a criminal organization, a research testing facility or maybe government agency who is tasked with watching over a select few groups of people to experiment on them for some unethical reasons, such as behavioral research with substances, making a case for someone’s arrest, or just plain watching from some guy’s setup at home with five monitors for his PC. The possibilities are limited, but they would serve as a good send-off for the trilogy.

Apologies if these sound a little demanding, no intention of that. Just wanted to give you my honest suggestions for the last game. Other than that, I give this game a 9.3/10!


Thank you! This is some great thorough feedback and brilliant ideas, every "Story Item" having a con alongside it's pro would truly make a better game-design choice.

My problem with the existing story items system is that its a little too complex and unintuitive to less hardcore players (For example, civilization's tech tree has a more intuitive structure for new players)

I'll try to, there are some conflicting things, for example, more characters means less focus on each character, if there's a set amount of resources to spend, time-wisely, it's either spent spread among many characters, or towards the depth of each character, not sure which is the better option tho, will have to think about it.

Thanks again for the great comment, I enjoyed reading it!


Of course, anytime! I just really seemed to enjoy this game compared to its predecessor, which is why I went out of my way to defend the mechanics of it, since I mainly like to play games like these anyways. 

I also submitted my votes on what to wish list for the final game, and I hope you make the best of each of our opinions, but at the end of it all, it's you who decides what happens with the last game.

Cheers to you my friend!

- Frederick

(2 edits) (+3)

If you implement an arrest system in the next CCTV game you will have my eternal gratitude!

Interesting 🤔Can you elaborate? What will happen if you arrest a character?


I was thinking that character would be sent to some form of re-education/reform facility where he or she, for this idea I have only the women in mind, will undergo a psychic reconstruction, the character will lose all points and new traits and paths could be unlocked. The women could also undergo some form of sexual punishment in there that you can view with the camera. When you disable the arrest feature the character returns home and could have new traits an a new path, something like Re-volt->Exhibitionism->Prostitution or as an alternaive Informat-Spy. In both alternative the characters could have sex in alleys or secret apartment with clients/other spies. I think you have an idea by now to what i have in mind:) Also the arrest could lead to a scene where a couple, I was thinking mother and son for starters is surprised and interrupted during sex by the arrest. Anyway, just a thought I hope it inspires you!


The interruption scene sounds fun, the abuse tho is a little too much hehe

I subscribe to what you proposed. I was expecting to have the choice to make an arrest in this version too and was imagining something like the captured scenario from Atomic Quest and was a little disappointed I couldn't. Also I would have been an awesome alternative scene to see, let's say the mother and son getting surprised by the troups during sex. This could have unlocked a new path and traits. I hope the next game takes place in the same dystopian setting and will have this option. I also like your other ideas, great minds think alike it seems:) I will be happy if at least some of them are implemented! But all of them in a CCTV game by retsy will surely take things to the next level! Looking forward to the next CCTV!


buenas gran juego , espero puedas lanzar muchos mas y una tercera parte cctv .


Thank you kindly!

Gracias amblemente!

completr 23/26   what the act of treachery  ?

Someone cheating on someone else

Hey I would like to know how can I remove the story bubbles on android??

The latest update allows you to by clicking on them.


Is there any media we can follow you on? I love your content btw,  always a banger after another.


Thank you!! Glad to know you like the games! Not much, only blog posts here, emails that I send to buyers and comments / discussions on the games. I rather just spend more time on the games rather than community moderation / social media / what not


Blog posts are really hard to find on imo.  I could find the older blog post before cctv2 came out last week, but now its way harder to find since your "comment feed" on your profile no longer has it there, and google pulls mainly from that section for its links (google blog/blogpost retsymthenam to see what i mean).

If you put out the new blog post could you post it in the comments as a announcement again, like you did for when CCTV2 was released on all game comments? Think this will help with finding it. I can however see you not liking that due to spamming your comments, but i honestly dunno how to properly keep up else wise without checking your profile everyday


Alright, I'll spam the comments then, no worries XD 


I get that, the games are banging so keep doing you and ill always be supporting. Something about these games just always keep me coming back. Do you plan on making more content with the bodyguard? Her character model is IT.  I know this might be a little bit too early to ask but any new game ideas currently in the making? I'd love to look forward to something but no rush. 


The next one is the final entry in the CCTV series, mixing the best out of the last two, and then, I have a list, maybe another RPG, or a point & click adventure..


Thank you for the game! Great work!


Thank you! Glad you liked it!

comlete 15/26 where are igor & sandra being in the same room?   I cant  find they

They should appear all  over the Ivanova (neighbors) apartment, and their "Spicy scene" is in the kitchen.

(1 edit) (+1)

incredible good game

Thank you kindly!

(2 edits) (+2)

Bought it to support the dev, as family taboo especially mom and son is one of my favs but I have to agree that the 1st one was better.

Don't get me wrong, I liked this one but having a "godlike" figure control everything was a downgrade, it basically lacked the personal touch of the 1st one. (maybe having Igor be the spy and slowly corrupting his family and neighbours would have been better).

The controls were worse, especially the "spicy" scenes, it was clunkier and having to find the exact pixel to progress would detract from the scenes. (maybe having it also be a keyboard shortcut would help here).

Lastly I felt like it was missed opportunity to not have the family all participate in a scene or two considering Igor can have those tendencies.

Hope I didn't come off as too aggressive with the feedback here since I still really enjoyed it and loved the first game. Both are unique and I appreciate your creativity. 

Good luck fun in your future projects and hope to see even more family fun! :D

Thank you! Nice feedback, I tried to make this one's controls / theme / story / cast / etc... as different and distinct as I can while maintaining the CCTV aspect, well, with it's pros and cons. Hopefully I'll pick and mix the best mechanics between the two for the final entry of the series.


The cast is great and I loved that you could catch them doing more mundane things as opposed to the first one.

In the first one iirc for the most part chars only appear in spicy events outside a few cases (kids studying or playing games).

Anyway, keep up the great work bro, you always kill it.

Any ideas on your next project?


Thank you !!!! That's awesome to know, especially since lots said the first one had better features, etc...  

The next project should be the final entry in the CCTV series (originally thought of 3 different games), in which I'll pick and mix the best features out of the two.


Think that the biggest take away for me comparing the first to the second, is that the second had way more build up in its scenes/content! With the bullying line the build up was really nice, you have 3 or 4 events before the big scene, which makes it feel very fleshed out.

The mechanics of the first one were a bit easier to work with and it was more straight forward i think that's what people liked more about that one, but i really liked the point system and the UI of the 5 monitors, think it was a very fresh take on this. If you could "lock" the screen on the monitor you are actively watching that would've helped a lot i think with what most people feel as "clunky".

I like both games for the difference they bring, in terms of setting (family dad spying vs spy looking into lives of his neighbors) and in terms of mechanics ( first CCTV having a more easy to work with environment vs the more complex/things to do in the second CCTV)

I think if CCTV 3 has more of a personal angle again like CCTV1 (either playing as the father/son/mother) with the fleshed out scene buildup from CCTV2 worked into it, adding a combination of mechanics from 1 and 2, you have the best of both worlds.


Thanks! noted, that's what I'll try to do


Is the war in this game the same as what happened in Desperate Days or in your other post-apocalyptic games?


Yes, the arrangement is CCTV - USSR => Desperate Days + Refuge Roadtrip (All inspired by eastern european conflicts / struggles) => Atomiquest / Bodyguard - Wasteland. 


I love this setting and hope to see more games in this dystopian easte-european world. Hopefuly with a more real danger element like in atomic quests. For example burglars could break in or you could send in some troops to arrest the mother, preferably in the middle of sex so she would later develop a fear of shame trait that you could later override with points and unlock new scenes and traits like "exhibitionism" and so on:)

Glad you enjoyed that aspect of the game!


and the games Recently Divorced, Housewife, Seashell Whispers, etc. Are they from the same universe as the post-apocalyptic games?


Yes but taken place in a different, more westernized area of the world.


hey loved the idea and design of the game. Just wanted say that, the next games UI for the spicy scenes should be like in the UI for animations in the first CCTV. I found the viewing of scenes in the TV monitors to be clunky and sometimes hard to control as one of the monitors was near the camera. So having the same UI as the first CCTV would be easier to navigate and control for animations and scenes.


Thank you!!! 

Noted for the next one. I know, I hoped to give  an alternative which is distinct enough so it will feel different.


Love the creativity on this one! Felt high quality all around. Agree with archer, more scenes for fewer characters and slower progression is better tho! Will always support you <3

Thank you love, this is much appreciated! 


Very good game 10/10!! I'm looking forward to the next game lol!! How long until the next game?

Thank you! Can't say, there's lots to do, maybe a few months.


Any plans to make more Female lead adventure style games like Housewife and Roadtrip? They were my favorites. but all your games are great :)


thats it would be great, i think rencently divroced deserve it second part or make more extended, the idea its great the story of a teacher who becomes corrupt and has meetings with her students as private sessions, scenes at school, it could be a great game, the truth is, one that this community would like


of course, I was already in a middle of a point & click adventure game when I decided that a new CCTV should come first.


Great game, but I’m going to provide some critique because I don’t see any of my specific feedback. 

As someone who bought both CCTVs, I think this one is inferior to the first one. Because there are two families, it feels like there are fewer scenes due to it being spread out between everyone. It felt like there was only one actual scene for each character, and you had to restart the game to see just at max one more scene.

You have to just get “points” with some description of the world instead of hear the actual interaction between the characters, so it’s not as immersive either.  It’s more convenient to have all the cameras, but it doesn’t really feel like you’re spying because everything already exists, and you’re some random god that can choose war or famine when you’re supposed to just be a spy. The previous game made more sense because you were the father and could affect your family. 

I like the creativity, but I do feel like the direction was more shallow. It did not pair as well compared to the father spying on his wife and children, setting up cameras, talking to his family, watching the son slowly get more and more daring, the wife more and more inappropriate. Because CCTV2 wanted to have a scene for everyone, it had no depth for anything. 


That's why I made the first one first, hehe. 

Thank you for the valuable information, soon I'll create a poll that will compare the two game's mechanics so I'll be able to better understand how to pick and mix the content for the final entry in the series. I tried to make this game as distinct as I can; settings, plot, characters and mechanics-wisely as I can, or more accurately; I tried to provide a distinct enough alternative to compare with for how the best experience should be played. Definitely has its pros and cons


it was really good the part that igor ask maria to tease sasha but the other paths are force and fast to reach,audio have to become really better is the same of the previous game


Thanks. Lots of different audio tracks in this one, yes there is a small portion that is recycled.

(1 edit)

the blow and sex part with maria and sasha are the same as the previous one, you use ia or us a real audio?

(1 edit) (+1)

Real audio I edit so it will sound like its coming from a CCTV camera !

(1 edit) (+2)

Finished the game, received the confidential tape and I must say it was a treat! I agree it has fewer scenes and plot branches than the first one but everything else from the atmosphere to the mechanics was far superior and this one seemed more rewarding. The only minor flaw, in my oppinion, was the lack of the danger element that "Desperate Days" and "Atomic Quest" had. You would think that in such a dystopian setting some optional dangerous paths could exist. Another thing was that I found myself spending too much points in the "Igor" path when the scenes when he was removed were much better. I think CCTV 1&2 pioneered a new genre and taken things to the next level! Can't wait for the next part!


Thank you! 💘 Comments like yours truly make my day!

when i see the description on the camara upgrade on the first cctv video i think i was audio improve not is was only quality it should be a diference between camaras to the point of really good sound

Agreed and it was initially planned for the first one, no idea how I somehow forgot to add it..


Excellent and immersive UI. Easy to follow yet sophisticated progression system. Excellent immersion in the world via sound design and vignettes as the player progresses. In my opinion, your best spicy scenes from any of your games (I particularly like the femdom oriented ones), but my personal favorite scenes from the game are the teasing ones.

Game can get grindy but the cheat system essentially bypasses that if desired, rendering it a moot point.

10/10 attention to detail and well worth the price. Glad to support you. 


Can't wait for whatever your next project is. Make sure it's something you really personally love!


I will!


Thank you!!!!!! :D Wonderful words, much appreciated.


The user interface for this game is so beautiful, like seriously, idk if you are a UX designer but 10/10, I loved the themes and the atmosphere.


Thank you! This means a lot 🥰


Had this game on the back of my mind ever since I've played "Desperate Days"! Awesome work!


:D !

Question about the "doing favors" unlock, it says you unlock +2 "spicy" scenes but i only get the one in the master bedroom of the parents. Where should i look for the second scene/is there a second scene?


I think there's only one and "tease" scenes, may be a mistake. To see all of the "spicy scenes" at the end of the game, you could use the cheat menu.

Is there a right mouse click on android?


Unfortunately no


Possible to have a remove option when selecting a story bubble ? Instead of a right click




Igor & Anastasia bedroom scene is bugged. you need both dom and submissive but it isnt possible. the scene doesnt progress, and there isnt a tape for it. it doesnt activate for me when i use cheats either


i was able to edit the save to give both dom and submissive traits, but the scene just goes away if you click 'watch further' when shes at the mirror. is that the entire scene? or is there more?

You'll have to look in her own bedroom

(1 edit) (+1)

The scene is just the most confusing one but its not bugged. Its just two paths that lead to her bedroom. 

One path is from the kitchen, drinking together, then her bedroom. Another is from Igor's room, teasing, then her bedroom.

(The kitchen path relies on her being submissive while the other dominant but they dont depend on each other)

In hindsight it's just confusing, should have made just one path.


Both the kitchen and Igor's bedroom scene wont continue without "act on my fantasies" but you can have that with Anastasia dominant


Yes, you need Igor's "Act on my fantasies" to be unlocked for both of the different paths

"Act in my fantasy" requires anastatia to be submisive. "One way or another" requires her to be dominant. Is both igors room and kitchen scene a different path from "one war or another"?


They start in different places but end up in the same scene 


Hopefully you've implemented a better scene selector.  

How can i remove story bubble on android ? It's require right click ??


Woops, forgot about that part, I'll fix it soon, till then, you'll have to go back in saves, or start a new game.


Is there sasha and sandra scene?

Yes! Check Sandra's story tree


already find it.thanks. Will there be a sequel to the cctv the one you did before this one?


Not sure, what would you like to see in a sequel?


lol. I was looking forward to more scenes with the neighbor maybe in some of the areas not just the bedroom. And maybe some scenes with new characters like the son bringing his friends over and they get to know the sis and mom and eventually bonded and have some scenes with em or the dad's friends calling to burrow money. Maybe some scenes with him .. but hey its your game . Anyway keep em coming and keep up the good work.


Hehe, not bad, may be good ideas to add to the third game!

I tend to try to make the scenarios somewhat convincing, and those, compared to others, have more chance to be apart of our world


Man i love your work
one question
its there plans for pregnancy content in futures proyects?

i would love to see the MILFs getting pregnant


please don't waste dev time adding this lol

I understand and see what you find in it, but not sure I'm into it enough to add it. But maybe who knows, if it adds to the story.


there is a scene you cant fully play, the dominant daughter route for igor, because it needs act on desire. but you cant get it because the daughter needs to be submissive

The scene is just the most confusing one but its not bugged. Its just two paths that lead to her bedroom. 

One path is from the kitchen, drinking together, then her bedroom. Another is from Igor's room, teasing, then her bedroom.

(The kitchen path relies on her being submissive while the other dominant but they dont depend on each other)

In hindsight it's just confusing, should have made just one path.

(1 edit) (+1)

a gallery that contains all the scenes, even not spicy ones would make this game a 11/10, can we expect something like this?


I'll try to, but they are not that difficult to invoke tho with infinite story points especially

If possible would be great, specially to see if i miss a scene (im a completionist and cant help it ;-;)


To see all of the "spicy scenes" at the end of the game, you could use the cheat menu.


Simply incredible, more than a game this is cinema, Mr Retsym is to be congratulated once again, the hyper was real, looking forward to the next one.


Thank you 💘


will there an option to zoom in for some people who don’t have a mouse? (Also 10/10 game) 


I didnt realize some people would use a laptop, would add that option hehe

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