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Is there any way you could give me pointers on what to do for cheats?

I'm relatively new to computers and don't know how to modify the save files for cheats.

when modding the save files i go to rest, however it breaks the game and i cant unrest.  i save a copy of a good file after i rest and then load that in but nothing happens.

It's really difficult to solve with so little info, is the problem with the not-broken save file?

(3 edits)

so it appears with the "not-broken-save file" it also gets broken too.  so then both copies are not broken.  so when i rest basically, i cant see the blue x above the characters head for relationships and am stuck on that screen.  

json file:

{"Name":"Save", "Version":"1.2", "Date":"06/03/2025 04:34:15", "UNIX":"1741257255", "CORE":{"State":{"Time":"3", "Deck":"City Deck"}, "Party":{"Characters":[ {"State":{"Character":"Hound", "HP":"102", "ENERGY":"8", "EXP":"5", "LEVEL":"5", "SocialPoints":"5"}} ]}, "Inventory":{"Supplies":"498", "Scraps":"389", "Items":[ "Dice", "Practice Target", "Toxic Bomb", "Medium Rations Pack", "Small Rations Pack", "Silly Puppet", "Tent", "Token", "Smelling Salts", "Car Part E", "Car Part D", "Booze", "Car Part C", "Bandage", "Car Part B" ]}, "EasyMode":"True"}}

no matter how many times i restart i still get it.  the only thing i modify is the scraps, energy and exp to 5

even when i dont modify it, i get this.  is there a way i can unlock all the gallery? i dont want to go through this trouble

Unfortunately the gallery is saved in the registry so you can't unlock it using the save file, just through playing + cheating in other aspects. If I understand correctly your current original save file was corrupt...(?) Can you try creating a new run, saving it, and then modifying that save? 

(2 edits)

Both the original and the copy of my original get corrupted if I mess up either save.   

I tried doing a new one with chests and it eventually goes corrupt.  It's nothing crazy either.

EDIT: so i just maxed out everything in the beginning and didnt change much during midgameplay and it seemed ok after that but i still kept a copy of my file in case it messes up.  I almost got all the gallery scenes


New Game Released!

I really love your games so decided to bought this one but the animation keeps freezing on android.

I've played on Samsung S23 Ultra.

Any fix to this problem?

Unfortunately no, might want to try the older version tho

Does anyone have the GC o full saves?


does the game have a walkthrough or cheat?

Yeah, you can modify the save file,  and it has a walkthrough




Not bad games but i wonder will you ever do a game that do not have a shota in it?

Share with me some of your ideas, I do have a few ideas of games I'd want to make


Here? or send a DM?

Whatever you see fit




Sure i think here can work.


Developer, don't talk to this guy, he's a moralfag that wants to "persuade" creators to drop the shota/loli content. I don't only speak for myself but 99% of your fans love your games first of all because of your special way of showing woman/shota, mother and son relations. You have a special talent for this and of course other qualities that we see in your games. A game without shota will be like a fine whiskey without alcohol! I love your works!


It's great that you asked, because so "few" developers make games where there is no shota))
and games with a similar genre can be counted on one hand, and similar retsymthenam no at all.
Please do not advise the developer to make "no shota" games, the new game already has adult characters and zoo))
didn't mean to offend anyone)



you're goddamn right


retsymthenam is the best in the mother and shota genre


Great minds think alike!


I simply love this game! I belive this is your greatest work yet! In truth I had this vision since I played Refugee Roadtrip and Desperate Days! Please don't drop the apocalypse/survival theme, the atmosphere you create when using this theme is unique. Keep up this awesome work!


Thank you that means a lot!

(1 edit)

Your works mean a lot to me too!

I would love to be more informed with the process of the next games. I know that many more would also like to create a discord and upload some updates or maybe also some style of survey to know what they would like to add to the game or something similar.

There you go

I'm looking forward playing the next game. May I know that estimate release of the upcoming game?


It's in progress, 45% more or less. As for a specific date, hard to say



Can you tell the new story of your game?


Any plans on making mom/son story games again? I enjoyed the ones you did a lot Housewife one of my favorite games. Maybe you could do a remake of 'Lone Mother' or somethin.

Great to hear! Will definitely purchase the game once you release it. 

Will some cheats be included to make the experience less frustrating for those who want to enjoy the naughty stuff without RNG trolling them?

You can modify the save files! That's even better than cheats. You'll just have to open them with notepad (or textedit on mac)


C:\Users\<user>\AppData\LocalLow\<company name>.




 ~/Library/Caches folder, or ~/Library/Application Support/ name.product name.

(1 edit)

Hmm, I can't for the life of me get the animations to run well on my Samsung Galaxy tab A9+.  It's the 8gb ram version.  Every gallery-type event, whether in-game or through the gallery itself, is terrifically choppy, to the point of being unrecognizable.  They are almost still images and struggle to process at all. The rest of the game appears to run reasonably, taking only a little time for initial loading.  I'm using the latest paid version of the APK because the initial version simply throws an error and remains a black screen, probably because I'm running android 14. Do you have any advice? I'd really like to enjoy the animations in this game.  I can provide proof of my purchase if necessary.  I don't have a PC currently or I'd just run the game that way.  Thank you!  Love your games, even your very oldest ones!!!

(1 edit)

There are 2 Android releases, the other one should fix it. (You have probably download the alternative version, try the default version)

Thanks for replying!  I've tried both versions.  The first version you offered black screens me and won't run at all.  I guess because I'm on android 14.  The second version runs, but the animated events stutter so badly that you can barely see them.  Maybe an image, maybe a second of super choppy animating, then it freezes.  I can tap the screen to move the scene to it's next stage, but choppy animation and freezing persists.  I'm forced to tap through the scene entirely and just not be able to see and enjoy it.  This is true both in-game and through the gallery.  It makes me sad!  I'd love to enjoy this.  Do you know of something I can do about it?

Im working on a fix at the moment

I've released a new fix, can you try the latest android version?

Yes, I'll try it, thanks a bunch!!  I'll report back here.


I know it's too early to ask but would you have some idea of how long it would be until the next game or an approximate percentage of preparation you are at?The truth is I think he has access to the previous games but the ones that are free since the rest are paid because now he lives off that income I think that if we help him he will be able to make more titles and as a fan. of your games I will buy them so you can continue creating new ones


Thank you! This is much appreciated. The next game is in progress, it is about 8 days of something. And the basic infrastructure as well as the first day are complete. So, what's left to develop is the other 7 days. Their minigames, then the release builds, publishing page and distribution effort (video, etc...)

Animations no longer work after I upgraded to version 1.2 from version 1.0.

Whenever I try to play a scene it freezes and all I can see are still images. Currently playing on Android. Could you maybe link me the version 1.00 so that I could actually view the scenes? Tnx

Animations do work after version 1. (After investigating the matter) Did you try them on the same device? / Different OS?

Sometimes the video freezes a little and starts playing after a few moments. 

I'll keep investigating just in case.

Same device, same OS and same game settings. I tried waiting it out but the videos just freeze at a random frame at the start and don't want to play

Damn )= Really strange. If that happens it might be true for other games as well

I should have saved the previous version as backup. Do you have any other of my games installed? If so, do any of them have working animations?

Nope. I just tried housewife, recently divorced and refuge roadtrip and the animations are working fine there


I have uploaded the old version, it is now the main version and the newer version is there as well.

I'm working on a fix


Hey retsym, I'm a big fan of your games, but have you ever considered upgrading/changing the character models and game engine that you use?

What alternative do you propose?

I have no suggestions. I was just wondering if you had any big changes planned out down the road.


Well, the next game has different characters and slightly improved models. 

But the only alternative would be to use DAZ or something, that feels like, for now, too smooth to my taste. SFM Could have been a good alternative but it looks clumsy atm

Hey retsym! I can't really play your games anymore, since there's some issue with performance. I've played them in the past, but now I'm getting MAD LOW fps on since the very main menu screen.

Have you heard of any related issues such as these before? This one seems to be preety damn good and I really wanted to play it

Hm, possible solutions:

Can you try going to the settings menu via main menu and experiment with the settings there? The resolution/ fullscreen /quality settings?

If it doesn't help, can you provide the following information?

1. Does this happen with other games?

2. Can you press CTRL + Escape and check in the "Performance" tab, if either , CPU, MEMORY or GPU are capped to 100%?

3. What OS do you use? (Windows /android / etc...)

Let's get this fixed together!

How to fix Mac Os M1 the application can't be opened? 

Did you extract it first and then run it? Also, what error did you encounter? Is it just not opening?

(1 edit)

I'll try to to investigate the problem. In the meantime ,can you try to ensure that its not "unallowed" in settings?

Allow the app in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General > Allow "...<app name>"

if that doesn't work, try to open the terminal and type:

"chmod -R 777"

chmod helped. Thank you a lot!

Amazing! Thank you since now I know better on how I can fix those issues!


Man, your games are always well designed but so light on content!  There were so many missed opportunities!  Why no scenes with your captors or with a trader to get better deals!  I still liked it though :)

As an idea, you should make a mother/son game with a focus on cuckold, like the mom banging more and more people like teacher/boss/friend/bully/hobo and the son watches and is mad at first but then thinks it's hot >:)


I've bought it, it was nice one. Looking into next project. I would love to see vacations game reboot someday, or housewife alike one. Keep up good work, you have our support bro. 

do you think about releasing another game?


Yes, there's one in progress

let the man rest just made one.

(5 edits) (+3)

Next game, I want to see a lot of Mother and Son having a sleeping sex scene! For example, son sneak into mother bed and mother keep ignoring it! And share the bed with together too!


Yo, I'm a big fan of your work and I wanted to ask about the other game you plan on making, this is a good one but since you said you were making another incest one, I was wondering if you were going to add more family member instead of just mother and son. The brother and sister part of housewife was only a small scene. Thx for the work you do man.


It's in progress so it's open to suggestions, what would you want to see?

(1 edit) (+1)

I like your mother and son dynamic but I'd like to see maybe grandma/grandson, brother/sister. If you add father/daughter that's cool but I would like to see you do the previous 3 like you did in housewife but expanded. Change how they interact in normal day-to-day stuff. Take your time tho man, don't want you to get burned out.

Hello Retsym, there's also another bug where the players level goes back to Level 1 after reloading from a saved game. I hope it gets fixed. Thank you!


Hi Retsym, I have unlocked all the scenes including all endings. Is it possible to unlock the scene between POVman and Anna? That scene is bugged. Thank yoU!

Ill fix it

Cool! When can we see the update? :)


please give us access to all of your old games and projects

The truth is I think he has access to the previous games but the ones that are free since the rest are paid because now he lives off that income I think that if we help him he will be able to make more titles and as a fan. of your games I will buy them so you can continue creating new ones

This game is pretty hard! I wish there is a step by step guide in unlocking the scenes. 

I will post a guide once I finished the game. I'm still trying to unlock the endings.

(1 edit)

It's finally out! I thought there would be a mom son scene. 😒

Will try to unlock each and every ending. Good to see another game from you again Myster. 😊


Hey , don't worry, the next game won't disappoint you ;)     (I hope)

they don't talk each other that was missing in this one good in other ways


great game! potential bug: Scene: Anna + POVman charm does not unlock/load despite meeting requirements. everything else seems OK.


Thank you!, I'll check it out.

Btw how to remove the knocked out condition?

Rest (assuming you have supplies) or use the smelling salts item

I can't find the save file location.

should be in:


(Ofcourse replace the words in <word> with your relevant information or simply use this guide to navigate there.)

What exactly is the Harsh Night game option?

Does it make the game harder or simply adds some extra kinks? Or something else?

It makes the nights more dangerous, you could face higher level / wild enemies at night

I always buy your games. Can you clarify the following: no mom/son in this game?nothing like that?


There is woman x shota.


please never stop doing straight shota as that is the main appeal of your games for me


Loving the games, how long until the next one releases? 

Have you ever thought about making a more larger game? One with more animations and characters, each with its own path? Sort of like you do now but a lot bigger? Obviously you could even charge more for it. 

Best of luck and happy Easter!


I have and I will. Since I left my main job, I'll be pumping more and faster. Next game is more similar to Housewife & Refuge Roadtrip & Recently Divorced if you get what I'm saying. This one was more of an experiment on multiple avenues. (Cool experiment I might continue in additional forms!)

How can i save this game ?


It's saving itself automatically every time you finish resting.

The app isn't compatible for android 14, can you release an app version that will work for devices that have android 14?

What are the symptoms of the problem? Maybe it has to do with something other than the Android version, let's find out.

For now, you may use the other OS's that are available: Windows, MAC or Linux.

If you only have an Android, maybe an emulator exists?

Or an ability to downgrade versions?

I have now released a newer version which hopefully supports android 14 (Check the build that ends with _1_1)


Thank you, it works now. You're very thoughtful towards your fans compared to others creators from this site.


"Cheats", or, For those who need a "save file"

You can always modify the game's save file by going to "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Retsymthenam\Atomiquest\Saves"

open the "Save.json" file with notepad.

and then post it here:

Then you may modify it however you want


"State": {

            "Character": "Medic",

            "HP": "51",

            "ENERGY": "13",

            "EXP": "46",

            "SocialPoints": "4",

            "Relations": [


                "Key": "Tom",

                "Profile": {

                  "Charm": "3",

                  "Dominated": "0"






We are so back, excited to try it out.


Boys we finally made it, we got the retsy game

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